Friday, March 25, 2011

Dickey's BBQ - Oviedo, FL

          OK, so before I get started talking about Dickey's "BBQ". Let me just say that my standards for BBQ are high. I am a firm believer that good BBQ starts with the meat and ends with the BBQ sauce. Basically that means that the beef, chicken, pork, etc. should be good enough to eat without adding BBQ sauce. Adding a quality BBQ sauce from there just adds to the spectrum of flavor that is there for your enjoyment. You see I don't care how good the BBQ sauce is, because if the meat is dry, rubbery, or low quality, the meal is a gigantic failure. Now on to Dickey's.

          I was spending an evening with my lovely wife and we made the decision to venture out for dinner on the night in question. What are you in the mood for? she asked... I told her BBQ sounded really enticing, and she concurred. But where to go, that was the question. The closest option was Woody's BBQ, which I made the mistake of eating at once before. I will not waste your time reviewing Woody's, as it does not even belong in the same conversation of BBQ. So that was out, then I remembered this new place we had passed out on Aloma ave one evening a few weeks prior. I went to "trusty" ole and checked for reviews. People said good things. "Best BBQ I've ever had", "All the food is great and the Baked Potato Casserole is amazing". Well, I took their word for it. We made our way to Dickeys and perused the menu. I decided on their 2 meat dinner plate. I ordered the sliced brisket and the ribs, with fries and the famous and highly recommended baked potato casserole on the side. My wife ordered the chicken with potato salad.

         So, with a head full of good reviews and heart set on some tasty BBQ, I dug in. I started with the brisket and made my way to the ribs. The brisket was somehow overcooked, yet mush. Still not quite sure how that is even possible, but they made it happen. Brisket should have a nice char on the outside and be tender and juicy on the inside. This brisket however had a char that was rubbery and soggy, while the inside was flavorless and pure mush. I was, to say the least, not impressed. Now to the ribs. They were not bad, and not nearly as bad as the brisket, but I certainly would not classify them as good. the meat fell off the bone, which is a plus, but lacked the flavor that makes us all love pork ribs. The chicken was dry, but average and the famous baked potato casserole was simply a scoop of mashed potatoes with some bacon bits and shredded cheese thrown in. Amazing is not the word i would use here.

So, to sum it all up. Dickey's BBQ, while a better alterantive to Woody's BBQ and the McRib sandwich, was an overall mediocre experience. Now, while the service was friendly and very good as a whole, it was not nearly enough to make up for the below average food.

FooManJew Rating: Untn-Durkshnit

Til next time my friends, I bid you Shalom.

Rating's Scale

Throughout the course of our time together, you may see different ratings for the restaurants I decide to review. I have outlined them for you in a neat little, handy dandy, Jewriffic key for you below. Why dont I just use the regular old 5 star or bad to great ratings? Well, there is no real reason other than I dont want to. You see, I tend to do things slightly differnt then other people in most cases. That is not to say that I am eccentric or weird in any way, then again it's not to say that I am not either. So here you go. Enjoy the FooManJew Scale of Food Ratings......

Lechaim! - Top of the Line, Excellent Food, Great Atmosphere, A Must Eat

Geshmak - Tasty, Good, Above Average

Durkshnit - Average, Not Bad, Not Great, No Need to Rush, No Need to Avoid

Untn-Durkshnit - Below Average, Don't Waste Your Time

Oye Vay - A Disgrace, A Travesty, An Embarrasment to Food

Intro to FooManJew

Wondering what this is all about? Wondering why you should care what i have to say? Well, i dont have an answer to that.. all I can tell you is that I cant tell you a thing. However, I can offer you an unbiased opinion on places to eat. I have what my wife likes to call "High Expectations" for where and what I eat. Now that is not to say that I only eat at 4 star, high class, expensive as hell restaurants, not even close. But I am of the belief that i would rather pay slightly more for better food. For instance, I would much rather drop $18 on a quality NY style pizza from a local joint, then spend $10 a pizza style product, that tastes like carboard covered with vegan cheese from Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, or any other worthless pizza chain. I just like good food. Make sense? Good. Now, through the course of my lifespan here, whether that be years, or millenia, I will offer my unedited, unswayed and 100% honest opinion of any food joint I eat at and feel the need to share my feelings on. Now does this mean I will eat at every restaurant I stumble across? No, it doesn't. Does it mean I will review places like McDonalds that this world already knows to have things on their menu that shouldnt  even be classified as food? No, it doesn't. Does it mean I misplaced my shoe this morning? Yes, it does. So sit back, and keep checking back for more updates from the FooManJew.